Môže antminer s9 ťažiť monero
The Antminer S9 consumes 1375W, with a 7% variation. It uses just 0.1 joules per Gigahash, making it about 2.5 times more efficient than the Antminer S7. For the S9 to work without problems it is recommended to use a power supply of 1600W or more. S9 Power supply
V súčasnej dobe má najpokročilejšie a nového je baník Antminer S9. V minulosti, zaoberajúca sa ťažobný Bitcoins môže byť na PC alebo grafickú kartu (to bolo volané GPU-Meiningen). Dnes sa však táto činnosť stala natoľko konkurencieschopné, že budete potrebovať ASIC baníkov - špeciálne počítače, určené výhradne Antminer a ine HW specializovane boxy. Príspevok od používateľa mp3turbo » Ne 24. Dec, 2017, 11:57. mate - pouzivate volakto Mravčeky ? Dosahuje to naozaj taky ANTMINER S9 ~14TH/S @ .
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Bitmain Antminer New Power Supply APW7 PSU 1800w 110v 220v Much Better Than APW3++ for S9 or L3+ or Z9 Mini or D3 w/ 10 Connectors 4.4 out of 5 stars 40 2 offers from $178.00 Antminer Z9 on sale - 40.8k Sol/s - Shipment from the Netherlands - No extra VAT - BITMAIN product -.Full warranty up to 2 years Bitmain Antminer Z9 mini miner that can produce at a maximum of 10 KH/s hash rate with 300 W power consumption. Horizen, Hush, Komodo and Zcash miner compatible with Equihash hashing algorithm. The s9 antminer at Alibaba.com are accessible in different power consumption efficacies such as 3300W, 1280W, and many more. If you want proficiency in your transaction and seamless process, opt for these super-efficient s9 antminer that adjust to any PSU and works impeccably.
V tomto prípade si zariadenie musíte zaobstarať sám. Asic miner možno kúpiť cez internet, napríklad cez online predajcu Amazon.
Antminer, bitcoin, litecoin , eth S15, S9, ventilator , ventilatoare Laptop – Calculator » Componente si accesorii 75 lei You can buy in Chinese web, send to your friend in China and ask him arrange send to Nigeria for you, cause Chinese version web still can buy, my wechat/whatsapp 86 Antminer Z9 mini is a Bitmain mining equipment. This Equihash miner offers a 10.0k Sol/s mining hashrate that utilizes 247 watts of power usage.
Dôvodov k jej vypuknutiu pritom pribúda stále viac a viac, najmä v Amerike.
Môže sa stať, že o S19 zariadenia nebude taký vysoký záujem a mining svet spoločne s firmou Bitmain sa dostanú do problémov. Aby sa dalo ziskovo ťažiť aj na starších zariadeniach, tak v Čím ďalej, tým viac ľudí otvorene hovorí o vysokej pravdepodobnosti vypuknutia krízy do menej ako 3 rokov. Dôvodov k jej vypuknutiu pritom pribúda stále viac a viac, najmä v Amerike. Na prvý pohľad sa môže zdať všetko inak 2018/12/30 Antminer S9 can reach 13 TH/s hashrate and 1300 W power consumption for mining BTC (SHA-256) earning around 4.86 USD per day. Find out more hashrate, consumption, difficulty, and profitability for mining 43 different coins. Antminer S9 (14Th) Release: November 2017: Size: 135 x 158 x 350mm: Weight: 4200g: Chip boards: 3: Chip name: BM1387: Chip size: 16nm: Chip count: 189: Noise level: 85db: Fan(s) 2: Power: 1372W: Wires: 10 * 6pins: Voltage: 11.60 ~13.00V: Interface: Ethernet: Temperature: 0 - 40 °C: Humidity: 5 - 95 % Antminer S9, The price of the unit is only $499, it is small cost of investment for any reasonable business in the world. Rate of Return Antminer s9 will generate 1.6 BTC Monthly, so you will get your money back as soon as possible then ever opportunity available Antminer s9 profitability — The Antminer S9 is one of Bitmain's most iconic SHA-256 Bitcoin miners, and is well known for its rock-solid and time-tested durability and high hashing rate of 10-14 TH/s depending on sub model you buy.
Insert the MicroSD card into the card slot on the control board. Power on the control board. Allow at least 90 seconds for the files to load automatically. When loaded, the red and green indicator lights on the control board will blink. Antminer s3, s5 si s9, t9, D3, L3 bitcoin surse servere defecte Laptop – Calculator » Componente si accesorii 100 lei Antminer V9 (4Th) Release: March 2018: Size: 123 x 155 x 301mm: Weight: 3050g: Chip name: BM1580: Chip count: 135: Noise level: 76db: Fan(s) 2: Power: 1027W: Voltage: 11.60 ~13.00V: Interface: Ethernet: Temperature: 0 - 40 °C: Humidity: 5 - 95 % The 700MHz Bitmain AntMiner Z9 Mini should be able to generate about 15 K / sol of an average hash without any problems and continue to work without errors 24/7, so you get a 50% performance increase when using only 100 W power consumption for free. Antminer Z9 Mini is an Equihash algorithm mining equipment manufactured by BitMain.
Poďme na chvíľu preskúmať ako Antminer opäť zvyšuje ziskovosť ťažby bitcoinov. The Antminer s9 can’t just be plugged into the wall, it needs a PSU (power supply unit). So whenever you purchase an Antminer keep in mind that you will need to spend and additional $150 on a PSU. Bitmain (Antminer’s manufacturer) recommends using APW3-12-1600-B2 which can be found on their website, on Amazon or on eBay at different price Antminer S9 is the world’s most powerful Bitcoin miner, which is smaller in size than many other portable boom boxes available. The Antminer S9 has a form factor similar to the very popular Antminer S7. The only difference associated with Antminer S9 is that it has three times more power than that of Antminer S7 and has double efficiency. Antminer S9 ~13TH/s @0.1 W/GH 16nm ASIC Bitcoin Miner with APW3+-12-1600 PSU 4.3 out of 5 stars 6 Bitcoin Miner Generic AntMiner S9 13.5T 13500Gh/s , 0.098 J/GH Power Efficiency , 13.5th/s Bitmain S9 16nm 1372W BM1387 , With power supply Antminer T9s are Less Efficient than S9s. The Antminer T9 draws 1450W at the wall using Bitmain’s APW3 power supply unit (PSU). The T9’s efficiency is expressed as 0.126 Joules/GH.
Antminer, bitcoin, litecoin , eth S15, S9, ventilator , ventilatoare Laptop – Calculator » Componente si accesorii 75 lei You can buy in Chinese web, send to your friend in China and ask him arrange send to Nigeria for you, cause Chinese version web still can buy, my wechat/whatsapp 86 Antminer Z9 mini is a Bitmain mining equipment. This Equihash miner offers a 10.0k Sol/s mining hashrate that utilizes 247 watts of power usage.
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Antminer s9 will generate 1.6 BTC Monthly, so you will get your money back as soon as possible then ever opportunity available Big Profit in Mining Investing in Bitcoin mining through Antminer S9, is most profitable business activity, you will make big profit easily
Difficulty až na mesiac Príkladom je Monero, kde je už 10. verzia (Monero_r). Prvý ASIC , na ktorom som ťažil, bol Antminer S1. Toto zariadenie prestalo byť ziskové približne mesiac po doručení k nám, a keby sme ho zapojili o týždeň neskôr, nikdy by sa nám investícia do neho nevrátila.